Sunday, May 10, 2020

Political System of Turkey

Organisation of Govt.
  • Strategically vital location located at crossroads between Asia and Europe.
  • Controls the vital strait that links Black Sea, to the Aegean and Mediterranean sea
  • 97% in Asia and Only 03% in Europe
  • Bordering countries; Greece, Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine, Goergia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Iran, Iraq and Syria
  • PRESIDENT-Both Head of state and Governmet.
  • President- Head of state and Govt
  • Elected for 05 years by Turkish Grand National Assembly
  • President is not a member of parliament
  • Critera: 40+. Min Bachelors degree
  • Executive powers rest in Council of Ministers
  • Leader of Cabinet is President (Recep Teyyeb Erodgan-The Justice and Development Party (AKP).
  • Unicameral Grand National Assembly of Turkey
  • 550 members elected for 04 years
  • Mitigated proportional representation
  • Election held before next term
  • 10% is thershold limit of national vote to enter into parliament.
  • Independent may run and one seat is enough
  • Before 1923- Ottoman Empire- Islamic Canon Law (Sharia law)
  • After 1923- Secular legal codes from Europe (The swiss civil code, italian penal code, German commerical code)
  • Independent Judiciary. Executive legislative cant interfere. later both must obey the court decision.
  • Civil and militart courts are separate
  • State Security courts deal with cases related to terrorism and organised crimes. It replaced with professionalized courts. EU demands latter for membership
Local Government of Turkey
  • Highly centralised system mainly in Ankara espacially in Council of Ministers
  • This is heirarchy of administration
  • Provinces (il) 81
  • sub Provinces (ilce) 850
  • districts (bucak)
  • villages (koy) (37000 dist and vill)
  • Administrative units are headed by an official appointed by President except village
  • Village chief (muhtar) is elected popularly-answerable to ministry of interior
  • Offices of the units are located in main largest cities
  • Except Foriegn affairs, all ministries have departments in provincial level. (Both duties- National and local)
Electoral system of Turkey
  • Until 1946- Single party system
  • Untill 1934 voters were limited to age 18 and males only.
  • In 1934 women were given the right to vote and run for national office
  • In 1935 election, 15 women were elected
  • HIGH ELECTION BOARD- Election results and all complaints
  • Board: 11 members (6 members by GA of courts and cassation and 5 by GA of council of state.
  • Proprtional representation but smal parties must win 10% of national vote to obtain seat.
  • Law assigns one seat to each province- remaining to population of electoral districts
Major Political parties
  • JUSTICE AND DEVELOPMENT PARTY (Islamic-rooted party)
  • Ruling party- Head Recep Teyyep Erodgan. Formed in 2001.
  • Formed by Turgut Ozal. It is political conservative and pragmatic but liberal economic policies
  • Formed in 1983. This is leftist party.
Political Principles
  1. Kemalism
  2. Secularism
  3. Modernization
  1. Nationalism
  2. Islamism
  3. Kemalism
  4. Decentralization

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